Saturday, 31 May 2014

London Days #1

On Wednesday I travelled to London to meet up with Jordan but completely forgot to take many photo's. I had been so intent on vlogging it and  because of that I forgot to take out my camera and take photo's! But these three photo's seem to be the only ones took whilst at Ed's diner. When we firstmet up after both being overwhelmed by the massiveness of Kings Cross and unable to spot each other we jumped on the tube to Camden Town. We wondered around the markets aimlessly for a while, browsing and looking at lots of different things. However due to the weather (rain rain and more rain) we decided to be all sterotypical and go to Starbucks. Here we just had the loveliest chat, chatting about I don't even know what! After some more wondering we decided to venture to Oxford Street. We ended up going to Ed's Diner which I ever only go to when I'm with blogger friends!  After taking a few selfies etc we jumped back onto the tube and said our goodbye's.

I feel like I have literally just given you a run down of our day like a schedule. Sorry for this bitty blog post. Last night I felt a bit overwhelmed with all the content I have from the last few days. I vlogged my three days in the city, I've got lots of new purchases and had some fun experience's so all of these will probably be posted in a weird and odd timescale, sorry!

P.S. I've also decided that this is going to be the first post of my new series that I will be starting on the blog; as I will be (hopefully) spending a lot of the summer I figure this is a good way to document them!

Now reading: I've just finished The Treatment by Suzanne Young - I really really enjoyed it, the concept is so strange and odd but found it really hard to put down!


Monday, 26 May 2014

Where it all began

 Wearing - Jumper: Bershka. Jeans - Forever21. Boots - Office.
So, with not shooting an outfit in a month I suddenly become awkward and unable to take a nice photo! But alas, you can see the outfit at least. I got these jeans near the beginning of the month and have literally fallen in love. They are so loose-fitting and comfortable, have the right amount of 'distressed denim' and I just really like how they sit. When I first tried them on, before a school mufti day, I instantly disliked them and was going to send them straight back. But reflecting on that I knew  the only reason I disliked them was because they were so different to what I usually wore. But I knew that 'Life begins at the end of your comfort zone' (cheeseyy, I know) and took the plunge to wear them to school. And actually felt confident wearing something different!
I have seen this hairstyle around a lot at the moment. At first on Kylie Jenner, my friend Emily and then on Megan. After a few attempts I think I got the hang of it, and it was soo comfy! It was just really handy as all my hair stayed off my face but it was still 'down' in a sense.
This afternoon I'm off to London (one of my three trips this week!) with my family to go out for a meal and see War Horse to celebrate Madeleine's birthday and the fact she goes to Australia on Wednesday for two months - jealous doesn't even begin to cover it!

Motel Rocks always have sample sale's in London and every time I really want to go but can't because it's in London and school etc buuut on Thursday they are having one on Great Portland Street and I'm already going to be in London for a Topshop personal shopper thing (more about that later) so am going to pop along! I'm very excited to see what they have to offer!



Saturday, 24 May 2014

What's in my Make-up bag?

Once again another obligatory 'sorry for my absence' from my blog front whole scenario - The last week or so all I have been doing is revising and dancing and whenever I got a break, I slept! But with one exam left in two weeks I've spent yesterday and today recovering.
Last year I attempted some video's on youtube but got really frustrated with editing etc so thought I would stick to blogging but since then I have become even more obsessed with youtube and figured why not try it out? So yesterday I filmed and edited with quite a few hiccups but overall I'm quite pleased with the result!
What do you think? Do you have any suggestions for future videos?

Now Reading:  In the last two weeks I have read - Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green, If I Stay and Where She Went by Gayle Forman. 
I am super super excited for If I Stay the film to be released - even if I watch the trailer, I sob!

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Thoughts of the Day

You know when you sit in an exam and have actually nothing to write? Yeah, that was me today. I had my English AS exam this morning and it was okaaaay, not great but not horrific but my History paper this afternoon was awful. I had revised and felt fairly prepared but the questions that came up were so specific and hard. I just need to forget it and focus on my two next week. Speaking of exams - sorry for the absence! I'm now on study leave, which although it means being home all day  it means when I do anything that fairly resembles relaxing, I feel bad. But afternoon 3 1/2 hours in the exam room today I felt I deserved to blog!
Pens - Before my exam today I needed to buy some pens and came across these colourful delights in Tesco. They came in a pack of 6 black and 6 different colours and they are so pretty! They made my morning just a little bit better.
Make-up - These two pieces; Rimmel Match Perfection in Ivory and Loreal's Superliner and my recent purchases. Typically lots of my make-up ran out at the same time so in to slowly build up my next stash I re-purchased my two favourites that I use most days!
Books - I recently read If I Stay and loved it, It is said to be the 'next' Fault in Our Stars and although it didn't touch me as much as TFIOS did, I re-watched the trailer and once I finished it tears were streaming down my face. But, I need recommendations! My most recents reads are Emma by Jane Austen, You before Me by Jojo Moyes, The Book Thief and If I Stay so if you have any recommendations that you figure I might like, let me know! I recently saw Jesy's instagram and am so jealous of her stash of books!
Food - During study leave I am really trying to make a conscious effort to try and eat healthy and do more exercise. I've started my motivation by watching healthy lunch ideas video like this, this  and this!This has actually made me excited to be healthy! I'm trying to substitute my unhealthy snacks with fulfilling ones - like dried cranberries and cashew nuts. Hopefully I'll be able to keep it up!
Youtube - I am fully obsessed with youtube, it's actually an unhealthy obsession! But I've recently been thinking of trying to take it up and make my own video's recently - I had a brief stint with it last summer but I'm just really tempted to shoot something in half term and see how it comes out, What do you think?

 P.S. Congrats if you read this far, it was an incredibly rambly post - that is what not blogging for a week does to me! I really really hope to shoot an outfit post soon so keep an eye out for one soon!


Wednesday, 7 May 2014


 A moment of clarity. Head in the clouds. Standing over everyone.  I stood there, surrounded by my family and a bunch of strangers as a wave of peace flew over me. Standing over the ground, in this odd tower was an intriguing feeling. I felt like I was abroad: In some foreign country up a national treasure looking out at a historical city. Looking out at the sea, I could have been anywhere. The line between the sky and the sea was hazy, the view was neverending. The sea is such a scary prospect, its full of the unknown. But should we be scared of the unknown or excited for the opportunities it could bring? It's odd how at just reflecting on the view from the top so many things pop up in my mind. The buildings look like their own sea. The roads wind between the stones and the speckles that represent the cars could be small insects. Standing on top of this tower I felt authoritative. Although I was uncertain about what this view led to, I felt power and peace in my heart.

I don't really know why and how this piece of writing came out of me but on Sunday my family and I travelled to Portsmouth to see Matthew and celebrate his 20th birthday. We enjoyed a meal at Strada before going up the 'Spinnaker Tower.' - Basically a small version of that hotel in Dubai. The view from it was amazing and looking back at it gave me so many different feelings that I thought I would summarise in a different piece of writing compared to normal. It's nice to keep things fresh and new sometimes!
My life is normal really - school work is dragging and the thought of exams next weeks freaks me out but then the thought of study leave is very exciting! It's rare that I blog spontaneously in the middle of the week but I had a sudden urge to, I miss it!
How's your week going? What do you think about my little writing spree?


Saturday, 3 May 2014

Recent Inspiration

All photo's from my tumblr

I feel like I have been so absent from the whole blogosphere/ social media bubble for a lifetime. I have been so caught up with school and preparing for my exams. As well as my dance exams which - I've finished! I'm so glad their over with as I have been preparing for them for a long time and to have them done and to be able to focus on school exams is just a weight of my shoulders. And I suppose I'm lacking inspiration for blog posts, although I've got a few random bits of clothes it's the whole production of taking outfit photo's that is quite a daunting aspect at the moment. I'm unsure why but I've gained a cold the last couple of days and the continuous dancing and pressure at school has really tired me out. Anyway enough of my moaning!
Therefore I thought I would come to you late of this Saturday afternoon with a recent bunch of photo's I've been loving and reblogging on my tumblr at the moment. Make sure you follow my tumblr - and be sure to ask me some questions or what not whilst your there, it's so exciting when you see that I have a new question!

What have you been up to recently?
 Currently reading - I was reading You Before Me by Jojo Moyes but I finished it in three days because it was such a lovely, beautiful and heartbreaking book. It had me sobbing and laughing and reminded me of the feeling of not being able to put down your book. Now waiting to get If I Stay by Gayle Forman to read!
Currently watching - Loads of cheerleading routines from Worlds 2014 and waiting for the vlogs of Itacon to come out from everybody.

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