There will always be
something of a country girl in me.
However much I love London, and I do, I
really really do, coming home for Christmas reminded me that I will always have
a special place in my heart for views of the countryside. Outside my childhood
bedroom stands Ivinghoe Beacon, a relatively big hill that has an imprint of a
lion drawn in sand, even though I’ve been on hundred of hideously cold and long
walks up throughout my nineteen years, I think it’s as you spend time away from
things you realise how precious they really are. Looking from my window you
just see rows and rows of fields before the beacon, sometimes they have hay
bails in, sometimes cows (you just don’t want the cows to come into your
garden, that’s a whole other story…) but it’s peaceful, unmoving and still at
all times. At night I can peek out my curtain and most often see the moon and
the stars.
I still can’t quite
comprehend the infinite number of stars that are in the sky every night.
Everytime I look at stars, I feel a sense of calm rush over me. I know that
whatever happens, if you just look up, the stars will always be there to
welcome. On a clear night in the countryside the stars are
crystal clear, and that’s what I miss when being in London, always being able
to see the stars.
Even the most
annoying things I’ve grown to almost love – the birds tweeting early in the
morning, the horrid smell of cow manure, the awkward moments in the village pub
when you pretend to know everybody but in reality know one other person who
isn’t your family.
Sure, when I’m here
I get annoyed about a bunch of things - living so far away from friends, not
having the tube ( or any public transport) in walking distance and being away
from the hustle and bustle of the city. But coming back home after three months
has made me realise that this is home. That, however happy I feel when I look
out my window in London and see Canary Wharf, a part of me will always love the
quiet and remote feeling you have when you live in a tiny countryside village.
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