So I thought I would come to you today with my 'Spain Instagram Photo Diary' phew, what a mouthful. I didn't actually take that many photo's on my camera during Spain, I was too busy taking video's which will (eventually) be edited! Madeleine (My sister) and I get quite into taking photo's for out instagram so I've used a mixture from Mine and hers. We didn't actually spend that much time by the sea, we mostly sunbathed by the pool. Oh, this is making me nostalgic for a just over a week ago, Is that possible?
Madeleine's Instagram.
Now playing - Ellie Goulding - Burn
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P.S. Just on a side note - I do actually have a brother, he is never really featured in photo's, normally because he's taking them or just not wanting to be involved, haha - Just thought I'd say!