Monday, 27 May 2013

My Trip to Brighton

So as I have a small break for exams because of half term and it was my sister's 21st on Friday and I went down and stayed with her in Brighton. I had a lovely time celebrating her birthday with her friends and my mum. We packed into the trip shopping, bowling which was literally re-living my childhood (I bowled a surprising strike to start off with then went downhill from there) and going to the cutest cupcake shop ever, The name 'Cloud 9' pretty much sums it up. I plan to have a haul and outfit post up over the next week so I thought I would condense my trip in a video!
Happy 21st Birthday Madeleine, love you lots!
Have you entered my giveaway here?
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Thursday, 23 May 2013

Oasap Giveaway!

So, I had planned that I would do a giveaway when I reached 100 GFC followers or 50 Bloglovin' but when this email came from Oasap I just couldn't wait to share it with you all. This giveaway will last 10 days so will end on Sunday 2nd June. All you have to do is
1) Register on (pretty simple - email address and name etc.) 
2) Follow me on Bloglovin' here
3) Comment below with your email address and name below  

 You could win - 
All you have to do is
1) Register on (pretty simple - email address and name etc.) 
2) Follow me on Bloglovin' here
3) Comment below with your email address and name below 

I'm so excited to be able to be doing this Giveaway, Thank You Oasap!

Don't forget to also follow me on Google Friend Connect, and Bloglovin!


Thursday, 16 May 2013


I thought I would let you lovelies know about the recent fashion community I have joined and am so far loving. It's called Stylight, its is an easy way to make 'boards' but not just with pictures, you can add video's and quotes. These boards can become an inspiration board for a post or an outfit or show why decided you to wear it. It's a really simple way to show what inside blogger's head when they're creating an outfit or post. So far I've created 3 boards incorporating the photo's from my last couple of posts, It's an easy way to have the pictures in one place to see them. Also with the recent blog outfit video's I am making it's useful to be able to embed them into the board as well. A thing I always love is scrolling down the 'quotes' section on Pinterest (Which my friends make fun of me having an photo album on my phone dedicated to ones I love!) so being able to add quotes or little thoughts to a board is a great touch.You can also follow other people of Stylight and I'm loving seeing an outfit then below the pieces of clothing which you can 'heart' and go and buy them!
So go and sign-up or follow me Here.
Now Playing - Here Comes the Sun - The Beatles. It came on my 8tracks playlist yesterday, shows how much I want summer!
Don't forget to also follow me on Google Friend Connect, and Bloglovin!

Tuesday, 14 May 2013


Wearing- New Look top and shorts. Shoes - Schuh.
All I really want to do right now is sunbathe with a Costa toffee creamy cooler reading MissVogue in denim shorts and a retro bikini. I literally can’t wait for summer. Seeing the bright colours of the bluebells has got me so excited for warm weather. I have wanted to do some outfit photos in this lovely wood for so long but have had to wait for all the bluebells to come out, luckily this weekend they were out in full force so I jumped on the opportunity and went to shoot. I decided to wear a fairly dark outfit to contrast with the purple colours then a summery hairstyle. If you subscribe to me on YouTube you would have seen my video documenting this trip that involves some awkward voice overs, pictures of the outfit and me attempting to be funny.  Check that out Here.

I’ve started reading The Great Gatsby as I am so excited to see it as it has got so much buzz about it in film, fashion and music world. I always think films are way better if you’ve read the book beforehand so I thought I would try and power-read it this week before hopefully seeing it the weekend. My days are just full of eating, revising and dancing at the moment so drop me a comment below if you have any suggestions for different posts.

Don't forget to also follow me on Google Friend Connect, and Bloglovin!

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Youtube Channel Love

'MacBarbie07' - Bethany Mota's Youtube channel header.
After hearing all the buzz about 'Vloggers' on Youtube, the other day I finally decided to check it out. I ended up spending about 2 hours browsing through as many different beauty Vloggers I could find, I can now see how people addicted!
So the other day I came across 'Macbarbie07' aka Bethany Mota. I instantly loved her videos, she has such a fun bubbly personality which is shown throughout her videos. She also has an amazing sense of fashion, I want literally everything in her 'Floral Fun' video which show her girly American style! Whilst I was procrastinating revision today I came across her 'DIY bows tutorial' and instantly gave it a go. It was going fairly well until my superglue ran out! But I saved it by sewing the bow together and tying the strip in a knot instead of gluing. I am not a creative person when it comes to diy's or anything (hence why you've never seen any!) so I'm not going to lie in saying I'm quite proud of it! So yeah, Just wanted to share her amazing channel and bow tutorial! 
Check out her channel here.
Don't forget to also follow me on Google Friend Connect, and Bloglovin!

Monday, 6 May 2013


Wearing: Top - New Look. Skirt - New Look. Shoes - Schuh.
I surprised myself when I got this skirt out of my wardrobe. I got it last year and haven’t worn it much. I was always a little stuck on what to wear it with and when etc etc.This Ramones top is so comfy and I seem to be living in it at the moment. It fit perfectly with this skirt. The skirt shows a girly-side which coincides with spring and the sun which has suddenly appeared recently but the shoes and top still bring in my gives it a twist to be more my style. I didn’t expect to get any outfit posts done this weekend but when the sun was shining and the revision just was not going in I couldn’t help myself!
Don't forget to also follow me on Google Friend Connect, and Bloglovin!


Thursday, 2 May 2013

April Favourites!

 Crop tops - Primark, New Look, Forever 21.

I haven't done this before but I decided to write an 'April Favourites' Post. This is partly because I haven't had time to do any outfit posts among school and dancing, I haven't had much inspiration for a collage and well these are my favourites from this month! These three beauty products are Rimmel London Blush in Pink Rose, Rimmel London's lipstick in Asia and Rimmel London's matte nail polish.. I love these because the blush is subtle enough that I don't have bright red cheeks but gives off just a bit of a rosiness to my cheeks. The lipstick is quite neutral but I feel it completes my make-up look. This matte nail varnish is a great way to make your nails subtler or even vary the texture for nail art. Next is Anne Franks Diary. I do not even know how many times I have read this but every time I appreciate it a bit more. I just find the historical content interesting as well as how amazing she writes when she was just a young teenager. I find her very inspiring. My last favourite are these three little crop top's - or crop tops in general. I think my excitement for summer has started with these cute crops. There such a versatile piece of clothing that can be worn with shorts, skirts, jeans...everything! 
Now Playing - 1975 - Chocolate
Don't forget to also follow me on Google Friend Connect, and Bloglovin!

 P.S. This is my 200th post - How exciting!
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