Sunday, 27 September 2015

My Week in Photos #7

This week has just been a whirlwind, but I have loved every second of it. The days seem to have merged into one but one week into Uni and I have already got a group of friends who make me laugh at the smallest things. 
My mum and I travelled down to London last Saturday and met with my sister before heading into my new flat. I've been so lucky with the building I live in, its beautiful!
My first reaction when walking into the room was my view, it was a beautifully sunny day and I opened my curtains to the view of the canal, a park opposite and rooftops in the distance - if I look one way out of my window I can even see Canary Wharf! Saturday night was a bit of a fail, I went with three of my other flatmates to go to the on-campus club but went too late and couldn't get in! The rest of the nights have been much better as we slowly got a group of us together and became way closer and comfortable with each other. Myself and two of my flatmates went to Columbia road flower market on Sunday then wondered around Shoreditch before getting an ice coffee. It hadn't sunk in then that I actually live here, it has felt all week that I'm on some kind of school trip or something. But yesterday a group of us went to Camden for the afternoon and getting the tube there it suddenly hit me, that I am living what I have dreamt about for so long. I love it here, I feel settled already and am pretty sure that once I start these lectures and seminars I'm going to be dead but love it even more. Hope your weekend was good!

Now Reading // Uni reading has started and I'm in a rush to finish Robinson Crusoe!


Wednesday, 23 September 2015

New Beginnings

 Top and Boots - New Look. Skirt - Topshop.

Sorry for the week long absence but it has been one hectic and crazy week! On Saturday I finally moved to Uni and since then I have just been so caught up in my new life that I haven’t had the time to properly sit down and just write. Currently I'm sat in my kitchen (which I share with my four other flatmates) drinking a large cappuccino from the coffee shop on campus that sells Starbucks drinks which is either a godsend or the devil - it's only a 2 minute walk from my flat...

Since Saturday my life feels like it has been on a cycle. I wake up late morning, either explore London or go to a uni event - an induction or freshers fair etc - have a two hour nap, attempt to cook some dinner (which has surprisingly gone well so far) then start the night early and continue until the early morning by going out to the campus bar/club. It’s been busy, but busy doing nothing. On Monday my flatmates and I went to the Ministry of Sound nightclub for a special freshers event which involved a lot of dancing and a lot of talking to random people. That’s my favourite thing about freshers week/ uni so far – how everyone will talk to anyone and making friends is so quick and easy. Today we are off to the freshers fair and a poster sale before going to a quick English lecture. I have a vision that the freshers fair will be like the scene in Pitch Perfect where Fat Amy sits not the floor doing the 'mermaid' however then I think, maybe it won't be, although I did see somewhere that they have free cakes...

This outfit is some of my favourite pieces this Autumn. This skirt is from Topshop and is basically a standard body con skirt but the scalloped details on the bottom just add something a little extra, the material is also quite thick so can either be dressed down or dressed up for a night out - I thought it would be perfect for Uni! This top is also one of my favourite things to throw on at the moment. It is just a basic t-shirt but I lack everyday clothes and this bright colour and scalloped details make it the perfect top to look like I've actually made a bit of effort when, lets be honest, I really haven't! 

Now Watching // My Flatmate and I started One Tree Hill the other day, we're only two episodes in but I can tell I'm going to love it!

Wednesday, 16 September 2015


Dress - Topshop. Jacket - New Look. Shoes - New Look.

I don't know why I'm obsessed with khaki at the moment. For the past two years or so I've barely worn any colour, it got to the point where I was scared to reach out of my comfort zone and wear something that wasn't monochrome, which is a bit silly really. I mean I have my style, and I know what that is, but it is silly to restrict myself on clothes because I was weirdly nervous. However this Autumn I have branched out a bit and have added some khaki into my wardrobe, and I love it. Its such a muted colour that doesn't scream too loud but is perfect to add a contrast to black. When I was in the fashion cupboard at my work experience I can't even remember how many gilets and sleeveless jackets I saw, so many! They were so popular and I could see the appeal for a sleeveless jacket to add extra warmth in this transitional period but not make you boil like a full on coat would. So I mixed these two new obsessions of mine together and found this jacket from New Look! It's just perfect, and layering it over this sleeveless high neck dress from Topshop works well in this unknown weather England seem to always have at this time of year! 
I'm just having a bit of an errands day today before going out to dinner later. I might actually go to the gym - which I haven't done in two weeks or so because of that horrid cold, but I think it finally might have started to budge! Hope your week is going well, only two more days until Friday!

Now Listening // Halsey's Badlands - I cannot get enough of it!

Sunday, 13 September 2015

My week in photos #6

I don't even know what has happened this week. On one hand it seems super busy but on the other hand I feel like I've watched a ridiculous amount of Friends that I must have not done anything. The week started with my sisters graduation on Monday night which was lovely to celebrate her achievement of becoming a teacher but didn't give us a proper chance to catch up with each other and left me just wanting more! 
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were spent with school friends - having lunch, going out and having cocktails and dancing until our feet could not take anymore, eating more food and going to the cinema - it was perfectly chilled. I said goodbye to Bryony on Thursday which was quite hard, its weird to think  after the past seven years seeing each other most days we are actually finally moving away to uni! 
Yesterday I got super prepared and shot lots of outfit photos ready to share once I'm at uni, I've got a fair amount of new clothes recently so was nice to shoot some different autumnal outfits. The rest of the past two days all I've done is watch Friends, literally, all the time. I just can never get bored of that programme, and re-watching it from the start is just as funny. I love seeing all the different stories and relationships twist and turn, especially near the beginning of the programme! 
This next week is my final stretch before I leave, next week I'll be writing this round-up from a whole new location, weird doesn't begin to cover it! 
Hope you've all had a relaxing weekend.

Now Reading // Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe
Now Watching // Friends!

Friday, 11 September 2015

Books, Autumnal clothes and saying yes

I haven't done a post where I use recent photo's from my Tumblr and just write in a while. I'm not sure if people like these posts as much but I find them fun and relaxing to write so I figure I might as well! I've had a busy few days and my cough/cold has still not budged so I'm going to spend today relaxing by writing, cooking and sorting out things for uni! So crack out a coffee and get scrolling.

As most of you know, I'm moving to Uni a week tomorrow where I'll be living in London and studying English - the dream life in my view! I was reading back my posts from last December and I wrote about how I couldn't wait to just do English and not bother about history or photography, and it's still true. My course is just reading and analysing books. I'm so excited to be surrounded by people who find that interesting, I ended up getting fed up at school of people who didn't take their work seriously or had no passion for what we were learning about. But now, just studying English, I hope I will be surrounded by like minded people who actually get excited by reading a book!

How beautiful is this photo? Tanya Burr and Jim Chapman (the worlds hottest youtube couple) tied the knot at their marriage ceremony last week and the photo's that have been shared are beautiful. After watching both of them for the past two years or so, I think they are such a perfect couple - they just seem to complement and bright out the best in each other. Not that I know them personally, but I, and the rest of the Internet was so so happy for them to finally get married!

I've said this for the past three years or so - Autumn is definitely my favourite season, and most of that is purely for the clothes! The trends that have been appearing over the last few weeks are just perfect. After spending an afternoon in the fashion closet of a magazine I was able to see how to work these trends and match them together. Now I don't always like to follow trends, I just like what I like, but the recents trends, I love. The neutral palette is steering me away from monochrome from which I am known for, the range of textures from cord, suede and leather is such a fun way to make an outfit just a little bit more interesting and although I'm still trying to get the hang of it - layering is such a classic autumnal tradition. Layering roll-necks with sleeveless coats and large scarves paired with contrasting textured boots and trousers will be perfect when the colder weather starts.

I miss dancing, but I'm trying not too. My dance school went back last week and it's weird that I am at home but not going. I  know that it wouldn't be the same if I went back but I miss the feel of dancing, losing yourself to movement to a song, but I also miss the feel of the family at the studios, I just felt so comfortable there surrounded by these girls who know me so well. I know once I go to university I won't feel so left out but right now it is weird that I'm not there! 

This my new motto for my first term of University. I need to say yes to everything. I need to not be afraid of what's to come. I need to grab every opportunity and fully embrace it. I need to say yes.

Now Playing // Lennon and Maisy Stella, I will never get bored of their voices!


Wednesday, 9 September 2015


 Top - New Look. Jeans - Topshop. Shoes - H&M - Shot on an iPhone 6 (hence the not amazing quality!)
For my whole life I have lived in the countryside. I live in a tiny village that has a pub, a church and an equestrian centre, and that's about it - it doesn't even have a village shop! It's tiny, and a ten minute drive from the nearest town. I've lived in this village all my life (and by all I mean literally, all - I was born in my house!) so I've always relied on cars to transport me, always used to seeing a never ending view of green fields outside my bedroom window and the roads being bumpy, windy and quiet. However in a week and a half, everything will change - I'm moving to Uni! 
One of my criteria when researching Uni's was that it had to be a university near a city, preferably London. However I also wanted a feel of a campus uni, and Queen Mary University ticked all of those boxes. I'm going to be using buses and trains to get around, I'm going to have a concrete jungle out of my window and I'm going to have the constant hustle and bustle of London through my windows, and I can't wait. It will be a change, I mean I am so so scared for uni for multiple reasons but I am finally moving to a city! My tag line for my blog has been  'forever dreaming of New York' for so long and although I'm not moving to New York, London is definitely a close second! 
So appreciate the luscious green background whilst you can, because who knows when I'll shoot blog photos once I am uni, I just need to be-friend a photographer...
Hope you Wednesday is shining, I'm off for two nights of celebrating and saying goodbye to friends!

Now Watching // I've just started Suits!
Now Playing // Listening to Halsey's Badlands and reliving Lorde's Pure Heroine
Now Reading // My Uni reading has begun with Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe.


Sunday, 6 September 2015

My week in photos #5

I can't believe this is my 5th round up post already, it seems like only yesterday I was starting this series! This week has been such a mis-match of different things. My parents were away for the beginning of the week so it was just my brother and I which was quite a nice change. Monday began with a spontaneous sleepover with Bryony. We decided to have a throwback to year 8 type sleepover where we watched Harry Potter and Twilight, which both never really get old for us, embarrassing as it is! We then met up with my friend Lucy for lunch on Tuesday and went for a walk in the woods about 20 minutes away from my house, it was so nice and serene - one thing I think I will miss in London is the wide open spaces of grass that I have been used too my entire life! 
The rest of the week I've been feeling pretty under the weather with this cough/cold but that didn't stop me from going to my work experience that I briefly wrote about here. The last two evening were spent with my friends from dancing, Friday was spent eating and Saturday was spent drinking but it was nice catch up with them before we all leave in the next two weeks! Today I've been doing some clothes shopping for uni which is exciting, Hope your weekend was good!

Now Watching // I watched the Pride and Prejudice TV series whilst I was feeling ill and was reminded how much I love it!

Friday, 4 September 2015

New Americana

 Top - H&M. Jeans - Topshop. Shoes - New Look. Necklaces - Miss Selfridge.
You know those mornings where you wake up and just feel completely rubbish? That was me this morning, not only did I wake up at the ghastly hour of 7, I got up and my head felt like it weighed a tonne. But, a morning in bed sorting out lots of different fun stuff for Uni was just the right medicine!
The past two days I’ve been doing work experience at a magazine and have just loved it. I spent yesterday sorting through the fashion cupboard, which was just a dream. Not only has it made me surer that I want to pursue journalism, it has made me so excited to go shopping for Autumnal clothes! The plum colours, the range of denims, the boho trend – I cannot wait to get updating my wardrobe going shopping this weekend.

My friend Emily did this henna last week, and I’ve fallen in love with it. It’s just such a lovely addition to jewellery and fancies up an everyday outfit. Anyway I'm going to dinner with some of my friends from dancing tonight as a last goodbye - which I'm looking forward to, but my best friend Emily leaves for college on Sunday which is quite scary. Hope you all have a good start to your weekend!

Now Playing // Badlands by Halsey - I love love love it, such a good chilled out album - was perfect for my morning commute!

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