Friday, 29 March 2013

Pinafores and Garage Doors

Wearing: Top - Market. Pinafore - New Look. Tights - Primark. Shoes - Schuh. Ring - Vintage Magpies (Asos Marketplace)
You cannot explain my happiness when I woke to sun blasting through my window. I am continuously hoping that Spring is coming and that the snow we saw at the beginning of the week was the last we'll see from this winter. So this morning I spent an hour in bed, with the sun shining in and reading 'The Host' which is Stephanie Meyer's new series that is coming out as a film today. It took me a while to get into it and to understand the world it is set in but now I can't put it down!
I love this outfit, not only is this pinafore incredibly comfy I think it adds a bit of a different angle on the outfit and spices up the shape of a skater skirt with the cross-over at the back. These tights are partially responsible for my love in patterned tights. I just think that they have a beautiful intricate flower pattern but there tights! Anyway I love this outfit because it still has a grunge feel to it from the monochrome theme but the pinafore and tights add the needed girly feel.
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Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Style Crush

All Pictures from their own Instagram accounts
My style is forever changing. With the society we live in it is extremely hard not to participate with all the fuss around celebrities. I've wanted to do this post for a while no because a lot of my style inspiration, not only comes from fellow bloggers but from celebrities as I'm intrigued by their individual style. A couple of celebrities I find fashion inspiration from are Zendaya Coleman, Chloe Grace Moretz, Kylie Jenner and Hailee Steinfeld because they all are similar ages to me so I find it fascinating that they are in the public eye at such a young age yet they all hold the fame with grace. 
I love Chloe Moretz's girly laid back style, especially shown in this whimsical shot from her Instagram during Paris Haute Couture Fashion Week. Hailee Steinfeld has an elegant style and persona which is shown throughout her different red carpet events. I bet she shall become more well- known once the recent version of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet 'True Love' comes out (April 5th) as she plays the iconic Juliet. I really admire Zendaya Coleman's style at is has such a hard edge yet still remains girly. She just rocks every style as it is shown from her transition from street style to red carpet appearances. Kylie Jenner's instagram just makes me insanely jealous of her - Her exciting, sociable and public life is shown throughout it. Her style has evolved the past year revolving with some edgy tom-boy pieces. These teenagers style inspire me to be more daring with my own style whilst also intriguing me to the life of celebrities.
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Friday, 15 March 2013

Spring Favourites

Done on Polyvore
I know, I know, Its been a week and a day since I last blogged. But school work, dance competition and the last three days being couped up in bed ill had postponed all my hopes of blogging. So I decided this afternoon when I was finally feeling a little bit better to do a polyvore. These are the type of clothes and colours I'm looking forward to going into Spring. The colour Lilac has really caught my eye, especially after Perrie from Little Mix looked amazing in it at the Brits. I also am loving pinafores, I am very tempted to buy this one from Miss Selfridge or this one from Asos. Of course, they are my favourite theme at the moment - Monochrome! I'm also loving these Flatforms shown int he top right, I just think they add a touch of elegancy to an outfit yet a bit of an edge. 
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Thursday, 7 March 2013

Clashing Complements

Wearing - Top - (actual dress) From H+M. Skirt - H+M. Shoes - Primark.
I was quite surprised at the result of this outfit. This is my sister's skirt from H+M which she bought a while ago, I had a sudden thought about matching it with my burgundy dress, I think it turned out quite nicely! Although my shoes are not very obvious they are some black simple suede wedges from Primark which are perfect for this kind of outfit to not stand out and blend in. It's not often I have my hair up in an outfit post but I thought to keep the detail of the bow it would be a nice change.
 I have been thinking about various different up coming posts I could do. I really want to shoot another video sometime but it's quite time consuming. If anyone has any ideas about posts or video's they would like to see like a Room Tour or daily make-up look please let me know!
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Tuesday, 5 March 2013

My New Love - Patterned Tights

Done on Polyvore
Over the last couple of weeks I have come to realise how much patterned tights changes your outfit.  In this small polyvore collage it shows all black tights with different pattern's one, some subtle ones like the second one in on the top left or some much bolder ones like the criss-cross on the bottom right. They become a bold statement if you wear subtler clothes with them. For example I often wear a white plain blouse with black high-waisted shorts then tights with bows on, these change the outfit to become more exciting and makes you stand out more. Whereas if you just wear a simple skater dress in a block colour and add some dotty tights it gives of a girly feel and just changes the outfit!  I just think that wearing patterned tights is an easy way of making your outfit a little bit different and takes you out of your comfort zone, which is never a bad thing!
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Saturday, 2 March 2013

Spring Stripes

 Wearing - Skirt: Forever 21. Top (actual Dress) Missguided. Necklace - Accessorize. Jacket - New Look. Ring - Vintage Magpies. Shoes - Schuh. Socks - Topshop.

 I surprised myself during mine and my sister's shopping trip the other day by buying something that had colour in it and was not a monochrome themed piece. I am of course talking about this lovely turquoise skirt from Forever 21. It is such a lightweight material and the colour just gets me so excited for spring. The whole shop of forever 21 just was so bright and colourful, I want it to be summer/spring instantly! I matched my dress that I got from Missguided with this as I thought the stripes and boldness contrasted well. It must be said that it was a lot of effort this outfit post as I went to a Cody Simpson concert last night. (If you've been reading my blog for ages you will know that I'm obsessed with him!) Which was literally amazing but tired me out a lot. But, the things I do for blogging!
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